
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-29
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摘 要:[目的]采用稀释涂布分离法研究了不同热预处理时间对放线菌分离效果的影响。[方法]在120℃加热预处理下,分别设置了30min、45min、60min、75min、90min、105min几种不同热预处理时间试验对放线菌分离的影响。[结果]随着预处理时间的延长,放线菌的数量和种类均呈先升高、后降低的趋势,而杂菌的数量呈降低的趋势。120℃加热预处理75min,放线菌分离效果最好。[结论]适当的热预处理有利于放线菌孢子萌发,相对提高放线菌的出菌率,同时对杂菌生长有一定抑制作用。



Abstract: [Objective]The influence of different time of thermal pretreatment to the isolation efficiency of actinomycetes was studied by plate paint isolation methods.[Methods]At 120℃ thermal pretreatment,30mi-n、45 min、60min、75 min、90 min、105 min were setted to test the influence of different time of thermal pretreatment on the isolation of actinomycetes.[Results]With the extension of time, the quantity and types of actinomycetes first increased and then decreased, but the quantity of bacteria was relatively reduced. With thermal pretreatment 120℃,75min,we got the best effect on selective isolation of actinomycetes.[Co-nclusion]Appropriate thermal pretreatment might promote actinomycetes spore germination and improve t- he isolation results relatively and had a inhibition on bacteria.

Key words:actinomycetes; isolation efficiency; thermal pretreatment

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:放线菌是能产生多种有益代谢产物且具有很高经济价值的菌种,如放线菌是产生抗生素活性物质最大的﹑具有很大经济价值的一类原核微生物。自Wakksman和Umezwa发现放线菌用途的多样性后......
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