
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:小婷 更新时间:2014-06-07
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ABSTRACT:The Youming Lake,which is a beautiful landscape of HongHe University, play an role that regulate the environment and maintain the humidity of air .It means that we need a full program about water-quality monitoring. And its not only an acknowledgment of the environment, is responsible for the health of teachers and students. So I study it and have some testing.

   Abstract Water quality monitoring is a process of surveilling and inspecting data which can reveal the environmental water quality and its change trend with scientific methods. This text make the research based on these methods such as thermometer method, pH meter, Spectrophotometry, Potassium Chromate volumetric method to determine the temperature of the water, pH, turbidity, chloride content. To verify whether the detection result comply with the National surface water standard criterion(V).

Keywords: Youming water samples; Monitoring scheme; Emperature; pH Value; Turbidity; chloride content

上传会员 小婷 对本文的描述:主要监测项目可分为两大类:一类是反映水质状况的综合指标,如温度、色度、浊度、pH值、电导率、悬浮物、溶解氧、化学需氧量和生物需氧量等;另一类是一些有毒物质,如酚、氰、......
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