
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:小婷 更新时间:2014-06-07
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摘要:玫瑰树生物碱是夹竹桃科萝芙木亚科玫瑰树属植物玫瑰树中特有的一类单萜吲哚生物碱及二聚体[1]。单萜吲哚生物碱是一类结构变化多样的天然产物,它是由色氨酸(tryptamine)和裂环马钱子甙(secologanin)缩合产生的异胡豆甙(strictosidine)经过一系列骨架变化(C-C、C-N、C-O键的形成和/或断裂)衍生而来的[2][5]。玫瑰树的化学成分研究报道主要是在上个世纪60年代,最近法国科学家从同属的莫氏玫瑰树(O. moorei)中发现玫瑰树碱(ellipticine) 能作用于蛋白激酶CK2,这是吲哚生物碱作用机制研究取得的重要进展[3]。出于对该属生物碱成分抗肿瘤和抗炎活性成分的兴趣,本论文对玫瑰树生物碱的化学成分进行了研究,利用各种柱层析和高效液相色谱等分离手段,并结合现代波谱分析技术等方法从中分离鉴定了2个生物碱成分的化学结构。



ABSTRACT:Alkaloids of the ochrosia borbonica are a class of special monoterpenoid indole alkaloids and dimmers,which included in the plant of rosae that attributable to the subfamily of the rauwolfia that is one of the branches of apocynaceae.[1] Monoterpenoid indole alkaloids is a class of natural products that has variety of structural changes, which is condensate generated from the tryptamine and split ring secologanin and glycosides of strictosidine as the condensed product after by a series of skeleton changes(such as bond formation or bond fracture in C-C,C-N,C-O etc) to derivative. [2][5]The research reports on the chemical composition of rosae was traced back to the 60's of last century, recently a study by French scientists shows that the alkaloids of the ochrosia borbonica discovered from the Morse rose tree (o. moored) can act on the protein kinas CK2, which is a significant progress on the study for mechanism of indole alkaloids [3]. For the research interests on the active ingredients that derived from the alkaloids isolated from this class of plant that can take role in  anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory , this paper has studied the chemical composition of rosae alkaloids, within the study, we have used the separation methods such as a variety of column chromatography and High Performance Liquid Chromatography and combined with modern spectral analysis techniques, as a return that tow chemical structure of alkaloids have been isolated and identificated.

Key words: Apocynaceae; Subfamily of the Rauwolfia; Rosae; Monoterpenoid indole alkaloids; Spectral analysis

上传会员 小婷 对本文的描述:法国国家科研中心的研究人员日前通过实验发现,“玫瑰树碱”的衍生物对多种癌症具有特别疗效,这些衍生物对蛋白激酶CK2具有特别的功效。蛋白激酶在乳腺癌和前列腺癌等多种癌症......
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