
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-10
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ABSTRACT:This Paper studied the synthesis of acetate ester with absolute alcohol and acetic acid as reactant,with titanium sulfate as catalyst. After investigating catalyst amount,reactant ration and reaction time,the betterreaction fact0rs had been found: the acetic acids is 0.2000g,the mole ration of alcohol andacid is1:3.6,the reaetion time is 30 rain,the recovery rate of EtOAc is over88.12%.Compared with 98 H2SO4% ,the result was better when titanium sulfate is used as catalyst.

  Ordinal test the rate of esterification by catalysts recycling 1 times, 2 times, 3 times, 4 times, we found that as increasing the number of repeated use of catalysts desertification rate in turn decrease. 

   Through a lot of material queried, we finally chose this ethyl acetate system to study, mainly because compared with other esterification reaction system, this reaction system is the most simple and this experiments can achieve the esterification rate more than 80%, and this condition also achieve our experimental requirements. 

   At the same burning time, catalyst burning hotter, esterification rate higher; In calcinations temperature under the same conditions, the more of catalyst burning time , the higher of esterification rate. 

Keywords: Ti2SnC;esterifieation;catalyst

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:本实验用催化剂Ti2SnC代替浓硫酸用于催化合成乙酸乙酯,改变时间,温度,催化剂用量等条件对催化效率的影响,找到Ti2SnC催化合成乙酸乙酯的最佳条件......
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