
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-15
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Abstract:Random walk has important applications in many areas, and has been receiving more and more attention. Especially the random walk on one-dimensional lattice with nearest neighbor hopping, because of its mathematical simplicity and wide applications in many physical systems, has attracted much attention.  In this paper we study the random walk on a one-dimensional non-Bravais lattice with next-nearest neighbor jumps.

   In this article we utilize methods used in the study of quantum walk in recent years. First, the master equation is applied to one-dimensional non-Bravais lattice and the evolution is described by a matrix. Then the evolution matrix is diagonalized in the K space and then Fourier transformed back to coordinate space. The probability is used to solve the average displacement and the average squared displacement, and eventually we get the exact results on the random walk in the non-Bravais lattice with next-nearest neighbor jumps.

   Through this calculation and study, we can see that when i is large, the behavior is the same with that of a simple random walk, each step of the average step size, with expression. It is independent of the parity of i nor the length of L 、S, only related to a and p. And the next-nearest neighbor jumps play the role of increasing the average step length.

Keywords: One-dimensional non-Bravais lattice; Next-nearest neighbor hopping; Average step length

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:近年来,人们对随机行走过程的理论研究与实际应用的兴趣更浓了。这是因为一方面此过程能有效的模拟凝聚系统的微观动力学过程,特别是这些系统中所发生的不可逆输运过程。另外......
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