
资料分类:教育理论 上传会员:heat000 更新时间:2014-03-25
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摘要:Vee图(Vee Diagramming)是20世纪70年代末 80年代初由诺瓦克(Novak)和戈文(Gowin)教授在科学教学的概念图策略中研究并提出的, 其主要功能都是以形象化方式对知识进行结构化的组织并揭示使用者的认知结构及其对某一主题的理解。将Vee图应用于“质量守恒定律”学习过程,从科学探究的问题出发,以学生原有的概念体系为基础,建构学生探究学习的框架,着力借助Vee图的特征促进学生化学微观思维的发展。



Abstract:Vee-Maps (Vee Diagramming) was developed by Novak and Gowin professor,Its main function is to visualize way knowledge organization and structured cognitive structure and its users reveals to a an understanding of the subject. Vee-Maps used in the conservation of mass,the learning process,starting from the problem of scientific inquiry, based on the students' original concept system,the construction of the scaffolding of students 'inquiry learning focus with Vee map features to promote micro-thinking development of students' chemistry.

Key:Vee-Maps; Inquiry learning; The conservation of mass

上传会员 heat000 对本文的描述:Vee图将学生的外在行动和内在思维集合起来,有助于学生明确自己的目标,并让老师了解到学生完成的进度和完成效果。把vee图用于化学探究性学习中,能有利于完成本堂课的教学目标......
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