
资料分类:教育理论 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-13
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[Abstract] In the most textbooks of Solidstate Physics, there are several incorrect concepts on the semiclassical model of Bloch electrons.  Such as: “velocity operator”、 “wave packet model”、and explanation of kinetic equation, which are pointed out one by one. Firstly, there is no velocity concept in Quantum Mechanics and no unique velocity operator, but gotten the expectation values by different definitions; Secondly, the wave packet with distortion is not the representation of Bloch electrons. Finally, the limitation of the kinetic equation in the electromagnetic fields is expressed. 

[Key words] Bloch electrons; Semiclassical model; “Velocity operator”; Wave packet model; Kinetics equation.

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:效质量、波包、布洛赫波速、运动方程等构成了一个“半经典模型”。在以上推演与讨论中,存在一些不妥当和不严密的概念。所以,文章针对量子力学中“速度算符”、“波包模型”......
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