
资料分类:教育理论 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-13
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【关键词】 同伴教学模式; 导生制; 小先生制; 中学物理教学


Abstract: Combining the experiences in works and daily life with middle school's physics teaching, the paper will show you that, how the "Peer Teaching" Mode was founded, the teaching value and contribution of the Mode. We know the Mode's history and the achievements, after searching and reading a large number of the precursors' paper explores. At the same time, we find many problem, contrasting with the other teaching mode, such as Mr. Small system and Monitorial System. The next step is looking for a way to solve the problem above. If we can overcome its shortcomings, the Mode can play the role of unbelievable, solve the teaching problems, even the social problems which are caused by the students' psychological problems. 

Key words: the "Peer Teaching" Mode; Monitorial System;Mr. Small system; middle school's physics teaching; peer tutoring. 

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:我国进行新一轮的基础课程改革。笔者先后在安徽的高中和南京的初中实习时,发现新的课程改革后,教师在课堂上对学生的主体地位重视了许多,课堂教学的效果也逐步提升,但是,......
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