
资料分类:教育理论 上传会员:乖乖90后 更新时间:2014-06-30
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摘  要:前概念是指未经专门教学,在同其他人进行日常交流和积累个人经验的过程中掌握的概念。本文通过对前概念形成与特征的分析,从基础的案例入手,结合教学实践,从而实现前概念到正确概念的转化,具体情况具体分析,从实际操作的角度描述如何调和前概念与正确的物理概念,并结合国内外一些教育家对前概念的研究成果来对物理学习中的前概念进行更深层次的一部分剖析。

关键词:前概念  物理教学  转化策略  国外研究


Abstract: Preconception refers to an opinion or conception that is formed in advance of adequate knowledge and acquired during the process of doing daily communication with others and accumulating personal experience. Started with basic cases and integrated with teaching practice, this thesis analyzes the formation and characteristic of preconception in order to achieve the transformation from preconception to accurate concept. Since circumstances alter cases, this article describes the way to blend preconception and accurate concept in terms of practical operation. At the same time, it makes deeper analysis of preconception in physics study based on some research results from educators both here and abroad.

Keywords:Preconception   Physics   Transformation strategy Study Abroad

上传会员 乖乖90后 对本文的描述:本篇论文首先是对前概念这一教育名词的理解以及在教学中前概念会造成的影响,重点说明什么是前概念,以及对于物理这一学科而言,错误的前概念与实际意义上的物理概念的区别与......
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