
资料分类:教育理论 上传会员:乖乖90后 更新时间:2014-06-30
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摘  要:为了更准确形象地表明男女生在学习物理时的差异,笔者设计了一份调查问卷并进行问卷调查。通过调查的结果,笔者发现男女学生在学习物理上确实存在差异,而这些差异主要是智力差异与非智力差异。这些差异表面上是由他们的学习风格和大脑半球化引起的,本质上是由环境和我们的教育造成。人们的性别刻板观念与教师的男女有别等等成人想法,造成了不平等的教育环境。在此,笔者大致列举了一些措施,从环境与教育角度去消除这些差异,从而为学生提供一个平等的教育环境具有一定的意义。

关键词:性别差异 智力与非智力差异 学习风格与大脑半球化  环境与教育


Abstract:For the more accurate vividly shows that boys and girls in study physical difference when, the author designed a questionnaire, and carried on the questionnaire survey .Through the survey results, the author found that male and female students in physical differences exist, these differences is mainly intelligence differences and non-intelligence differences. These differences on the surface are cased by their learning style and the cerebral hemisphere .in essence, they are cased by the education and environment .People's gender stereotype concept and teachers' male and female have differences and so on adult idea, caused the unequal education environment .In this, the author enumerates some of the measures, roughly from environment and education Angle to resolve these differences, thus to provide students with an equal education environment quality has certain significance.

Keywords: Gender differences   Intelligence and non-intelligence differences   Learning style and the cerebral hemisphere   Environment and education

上传会员 乖乖90后 对本文的描述:笔者写了此课题的论文。在我实习的中学里,女孩子们总是疑惑为什么男生没她们那么用功学习物理,成绩却比她们好。课堂上她们听课比较费劲,不能很快吸收知识点,课后要花大量......
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