
资料分类:教育理论 上传会员:小天天 更新时间:2015-06-02
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Abstract: The interest has the vital significance in person's practical life, the interest may cause the person to concentrate the attention, has the happy tense psychological condition. Similarly also has the vital significance regarding the study, the student only to studies has had the strong interest, Can in a lively way, on own initiative study, thus well knowledge acquisition, development. Therefore, in classroom instruction, the teacher wants to be good at stimulating student's study interest, let the student be at the best psychological condition study knowledge, thus effectively enhances the classroom efficiency. This article emphatically discussed how the teacher should raise middle-school student's study interest.

    Key word: raise, interest, enhancement, study, stimulation



上传会员 小天天 对本文的描述:教学是师生双边的共同活动,教师的活动必须通过学生的积极参与才能得以实现。而要使学生能积极地参与教学活动,教师必须充分了解学生,与学生进行情感的交流......
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