
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-03
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关键词:洋务运动  李鸿章  社会观念


Abstract: Previous research about the westernization movement emphasis on its military, diplomatic and economic aspects of the investigation, the influence is often ignored in the social ideology of the traditional value caused the challenge. This paper put with Li hongzhang career as an example, the westernization in western how inspect whose for use, and on the basis of attention from early to the attention of western civilization, "technique" western levels, to afterward gradually developed to recruit for western ontology. The study of this subject can from a reflection of modern China integrity, and input western technical learning concept of society caused by such cultural levels of change. Furthermore, the scientific technology revolution of modern society and the economic life changes bring ideas levels of influence is also very important reference meanings. 

Key words: Westernization Movement; Social Idea; Li hongzhang


   中国社会走向近代化的发端始自以“自强”、“求富”为目标的洋务运动。在此过程中, 李鸿章无疑扮演了重要角色。在办洋务事业进程中,李鸿章的思想观念也在悄然发生变化并影响着其洋务实践,从最初军事工业开始逐步向民用工业展开,又进一步推进了政教方面的改革发展,即最终洋务运动不仅仅带来了经济上的现代化,也成为改变当时人们思想观念重要的驱动力。然而以往关于洋务运动的研究多侧重于军事、外交和经济方面影响的考察,往往忽视其在社会观念层面所造成的对传统价值的挑战的探索,本文以李鸿章为论述中心,试图考察近代中国社会变迁过程中在物质环境变化的同时人们社会观念是如何发生转变的。


上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:19世纪60年代早期现代化的启动,意味着古老的中国开始发生从传统文明向现代文明的转换。洋务运动是中国早期现代化的第一篇,其实绩在于新型物质文化系统的建树,其文化影响包括......
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