
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:mi胖胖 更新时间:2014-11-14
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关键词 进步主义运动  州政改革  市政改革


Abstract 1896-1917 is a transitional period of the history of the United States,USA basically completed the city and industrialization process. With the social transformation period pains, American society had a variety of problems, such as political corruption, the difference between rich and poor, the environmental pollution and so on, then American society from folk to all levels of government were looking for ways to solve the serious problems facing society, this social effort called the progressive movement. Among them, in the face of political corruption, a person with breadth of vision in the new ideas, reform of local, state and federal. This reform involved politics, economy, and thus established a modern municipal system, expanded the democratic rights, reform of the tax system, as the rise of America laid the foundation for the modern world powers of reform in countries all over the world, but also provide a reference.

Key words The progressive movement  State politics reforms  Municipal reforms

上传会员 mi胖胖 对本文的描述:美国进步主义运动涉及到多方面的改革,冲击了美国社会、政治、经济、劳资关系、文化教育等各个方面。其涉及范围之广、触动程度之深是美国历史上不多见的,这是一场资本主义制......
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