
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:mi胖胖 更新时间:2014-11-14
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关键词:天皇制  长期存在  国内因素  国际因素


Abstract: Japan's Mikado system can be said to exist in the history of the world with a very long time. As an institution, it has experienced ancient, modern, postmodern three different stages of development, and it has been 1300 years of history. In such a long time, the royal family has never been replaced, Mikado has never stopped, which in the royal family, the change of dynasties rise and fall of fierce history of the world is extremely rare, it can be said unique. Mikado can say that the problem is not only history, but also the problem of political science, accurate and objective research and analysis Mikado, allows us to be more in-depth and accurate understanding of Japan, so as to formulate a scientific policy towards Japan. Therefore, this article will focus on the causes of Japan's imperial system to be surviving so far, starting from the two major aspects of domestic factors and international factors in Japan to carry out some research on this issue. Among them, the domestic factors are divided into the natural environment, cultural environment, mental structure, social structure, Mikado's own characteristics, the international factor is the international situation after World War II and the United States and China factor is the most important factor.

Key words: Mikado System  long-standing  domestic factors   international factors

上传会员 mi胖胖 对本文的描述:目前为止,学术界对天皇制进行过比较全面的论述的著作主要还是王金林先生的《日本天皇制及其精神结构》。另外还有蒋立峰先生的《日本天皇列传》、王俊彦先生的《日本天皇与皇......
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