
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:mi胖胖 更新时间:2014-11-14
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关键词:监察制度  台谏合一  独立性


Abstract: The golden age of Chinese history is none other than non Tang and Song. Song Dynasty not only economically, but also in culture, education and science and innovation are also in a highly prosperous period.During this period,rulers pushed the centralization to the extreme. Monitoring system is a important part of in the ancient Chinese political system in an extremely. Song Dynasty is the period that ancient monitoring system systematization and improvement. Its monitoring organizations not only inherited the monitoring system of the Tang Dynasty, and after Song Gaozu restored, Emperor Song rectify restructuring and becoming more completely in the YuanFeng restructuring. Monitoring organizations and administrative separation, independence greatly enhanced. Not only complete the central monitoring system, but also to strengthen the monitoring of local officials. Formed a set of rigorous monitoring network from central to local.opened the harbinger of the remonstrations confluence,and more standardization in the selection and management of the above. Thus, the monitoring system at all levels of the constraints and limitations officials abide by law and order as a feudal state, in terms of strengthening the centralized absolute monarchy, in the consolidation of the unity of the Song Dynasty played an effective role. However, throughout the Song monitoring system, there are obvious disadvantages.

Key words  monitoring system   combination  of  remonstrations   independence

上传会员 mi胖胖 对本文的描述:其监察组织机构在唐代的监察体制基础上得到了发展,而且在通过了宋高祖恢复,宋真宗整治再经元丰改制后日趋完整,使宋代监察网络非常严密,从中央到地方无一缺漏,进一步强化了......
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