
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:mi胖胖 更新时间:2014-11-14
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关键词:清末  立宪运动 评述


Abstract:After the Opium War of 1840,China gradually became a semi-feudal society with Increasingly serious national crisis and continuous domestic uprisings.  After facing internal and external Calamities, the Qing government following the Westernization Movement Reform Movement in the early 20th century to promote the third major reform - Constitutional Movement. The campaign is a major political reform initiatives in order to achieve the Qing Dynasty reign of self-help and the global trend towards self-reliance.

Constitutionalism is not perfect though, even failed in the end, but it still an important step.

It promulgated the "Outline Imperial Constitution" and amended a series of laws and regulations with the modern nature.It also established the first responsibility of the Cabinet in China,promoting the metabolism of modern Chinese social political.Preparations for ideology and public opinion on were made to establish Democratic Republic of the later.

Key words:  Late Qing  Constitutional Movement  Commentary

上传会员 mi胖胖 对本文的描述:一些人认为清末立宪是一种改良的产物,只是在中国建立“君主立宪制”,没有推翻皇帝的统治,是不符合历史发展方向的;另一些人则认为即使清王朝被推翻了,清末立宪运动没有达致最......
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