
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:mi胖胖 更新时间:2014-11-14
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关键词:凡尔赛体系  对德政策   第二次世界大战


Abstract:Before the 1950s , two world wars broke out , in such a short period of time , two large-scale wars have occurred in the world, this phenomenon shows that is sure to have some kind of connection between the two wars . After the war , the victors against the vanquished in the form of a treaty made ​​a series of demands , these treaties constitute Versailles - Washington System , structural defects within the system which led to the Versailles forces in Europe after the war is not balanced international order turbulence anxiety, while the German Versailles system requirements also contributed to the excessive punishment of Germany after World War I again seek the path of prosperity within and outside the plight jointly promote internal and external causes of World War II Germany to become the launch ringleader . Victors established Versailles - Washington System , its intention is to maintain peace and stability in the post-war international order , but due to the nature of imperialist plunder the country it has a variety of irreconcilable contradiction , the contradiction of the Versailles system also makes German policies exist many drawbacks , the use of these contradictions and shortcomings of Hitler established a fascist regime , provoking the Second World War . In short , with the outbreak of World War II, the Versailles system has a very important relationship .

Key words  Versailles System   Policy on Germany   The Second World War

上传会员 mi胖胖 对本文的描述:分析和探讨凡尔赛体系中的对德政策、德国人民对相关政策的态度以及第二次世界大战爆发三者之间的关系,尤其是凡尔赛体系中德国的赔款、领土和军备问题的弊端对欧洲战争策源地......
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