
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:我爱小小 更新时间:2013-05-30
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【Abstract】: The Administrative Licensing Law of the granting of the need for change exists. This article is by drawing on the principles of contract law in the circumstances the use of changes to improve the system. Administrative licensing trust protection principle is the most important principle to change the basis. The change of circumstances and trust are equally protected from civil law principle of good faith. Both terms are not from the source of conflict. So that talk can definitely use the principle of changed circumstances . But the Administrative Licensing Law and Contract Law, there are many differences. This requires the introduction of the Administrative Licensing Law of Change of Circumstance have to make some changes. Such as Time, Results, Reason, The subject qualification. Finally, the situation changed after the application of the principles that talk about some of the institutional arrangements.

【Key words】: Administrative license、Change of Circumstances、Public Interest、Trust benefit protection


上传会员 我爱小小 对本文的描述:本文就是通过借鉴合同法中情事变更原则的运用来完善行政许可法中变更、撤销、延续制度。信赖保护原则是行政许可变更最重要的原则依据,而情事变更与信赖保护都同样源于民法的......
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