
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-23
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关键词:半正定二次型;  半正定矩阵;矩阵的秩; 不等式


Abstract:The semi-definite positive of real matrices is one of the basic and important content of advanced algebra, the semi-definite positive of real matrices used widely  in mathematics and real life. Therefore, this article focuses on the semi-definite positive of real matrices .In talking about the semi-definite positive of real matrices, the article gives the definition of semi-positive definite matrix firstly, followed by the discrimination method and the basic properties of semi-positive definite matrix, given some examples to elaborate the semi-positive definite matrix applications in the proof of inequality finally.

Key words:semi-positive definite  quadratic;semi-positive definite  matrix; rank of the matrix; inequality



上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述: 本文先通过半正定二次型定义引出半正定阵的概念,接着介绍半正定阵的判别定理以及一些半正定阵的性质,最后在此基础上介绍了半正定矩阵在不等式证明中的应用。以上内容是我对......
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