
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-23
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关键词:平面方程; 线性方程组; 微分方程


Abstract: Numerical methods for linear systems are very important in many areas. Several iterative methods for solving the large linear systems are presented. Same iterative methods are discussed from the iterative formulas and convergence.

   Differential expression of natural law is a natural mathematical language. It from the production practice and science and technology generation but modern science and technology in analyzing and solving problems in a powerful tool. Some people in the law to explore the process of the material world, the general experimental observation is difficult to completely rely on recognizing that the law, but there is a link in accordance with certain laws are often easy to catch us, and such laws expressed in mathematical language, which often results in the formation of a differential equation, and once obtained equation, the law is clear. So we must be able to find its solution.

key words:plane equation, linear equations, differential equations 

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:数学在实际中应用广泛,其中方程又是描述丰富多彩的现实数量关系的重要语言,所以我们须学会用数学方程的思想去分析和解决一些实际问题.对于一次方程、二次方程这样的中学阶段......
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