
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-23
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Abstract:The article has generalized the these,complexions of the principle of the duality in the advanced geometric. The main goal is translating the predecessor principle into the duality these,and get the corresponding elemental geometric these by applying the principle of duality. The other aim is embodying some important thoughts and approaches of advanced geometric by making more explorations and promotions of the predecessor principle of the duality ,and the applying of the principle of the duality in other denomination of the math and science. The eventually purpose is that present the influence of the duality principle on the dealing the elemental geometric questions and promotion ability of the other principles.

Key Words:principle of the duality; higher geometry; geometry;middle school geometry

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:射影几何是高等几何的重要组成部分,而对偶原理是射影几何的重要特性之一,它不仅反映了射影几何的特性,使射影几何中许多对偶命题轻松地得到证明,而且将它运用到其他领域,......
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