
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-23
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Abstract: As a form of mathematical thinking, apagoge acts on considerable value in the demonstration of some complicated mathematical problems. The full use of apagoge can help the students figure out mathematical conundrum quickly. Then the distinct method of proof and mode of thinking of the apagoge have a significant meaning on the education of the students, especially at the aspect of logical thinking ability and productive thinking. On the whole, apagoge is a method of proof, which deliberates problems from the opposite point of view. And due to this application of converse thinking, quite a few of puzzles can be handled simply and conveniently. So the apagoge is a quite important method of proof. The essay mainly introduces the apagoge and its disproof method commonly used seven occasions and reduction to absurdity in algebra , number theory , geometry , combined application .

Key Words: Reduction to absurdity; Counter set; The reduction to absurdity; Conclusion; Contradiction.

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:反证法是一种论证方式,它首先假设某命题不成立,然后推理出明显矛盾的结果,从而下结论说原假设不成立,原命题得证。它是一种简明实用的数学证题方法,也是一种重要的数学思......
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