
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-23
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【关键词】微元法; 积分; 三角形面积公式; 等积; 行列式


【Abstract】This article from the higher mathematics elementary mathematics and the two aspects of problems. In the higher mathematics, mainly is the application of the definite integral micro yuan method to study the plane figure of the area, with the double integral curve of the research area . And the area of elementary mathematics problem in this paper accounts for most, Mainly from the formula method, similar to the triangle method, such as product theorem three aspects to solving the triangle area; Involves another by using determinant method to solve graphics area.

【Key words】Infinitesimal method ; integral; The triangle area formula; equivalence ; determinant 




上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:本节将介绍建立在定积分概念基础上的微元分析法(微元法),然后运用这一方法,解决几何中提出的一些问题.在利用定积分研究解决实际问题时,常采用所谓“微元法”.下面我们就来......
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