
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-23
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Abstract:The substitution method is a common problem-solving approach in the Middle School Mathematics, in the middle school teaching, in senior high school entrance examination, examination papers, often appears in the application of substitution method, so the teacher asked the students to master and skilled application of substitution method solving, substitution plays an important role in middle school mathematics applications. This paper describes the substitution factoring, radical simplification of algebraic identities proved to prove the inequality, application and analysis of the demand function of range and extreme value kinds of questions. But the students clear about the concept in the substitution process often there will be many problems, this article also discusses the-for-element method application is the most common and most important, and how to solve these problems.

Key words:Basic concept of Substitution method; Application method and skill of Substitution method; Common error analysis of Substitution method

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:一般地说,把数学问题中的某一(些)字母的表达式用另一个字母来代替;或者把数学问题中的某一字母用另一(些)字母来代换;或者把数学问题中的某一(些)字母的表达式用另一......
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