
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-22
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摘要 :“兴趣是最好的老师”,兴趣是积极认识某事物或从事某种活动的心理倾向。培养小学生对篮球课的兴趣势必成为小学体育教学中的一个重要课题。本文查阅文献资料为本课题深入研究提供理论支持,通过走访和实地观察发现小学生对篮球运动感兴趣,而对篮球课兴趣表现为低落,在分析产生上述原因后,结合当下教育教学改革和新课标的实施要求,提出:多样化的教学方法、营造良好的学习环境和气氛、利用小学生的表现欲、寓情于教、身教重于言传和篮球课中穿插游戏活动等策略皆能有效提高小学生对篮球课的浓厚兴趣。

关键词 :浅析;小学生;篮球课;学习兴趣  


Abstract:"Interest is the best teacher, and interest is the psychological tendency to actively aware of certain things or engage in certain activities. Cultivate the pupils' interest in basketball class is bound to become an important subject in the elementary physical education. The literature data provide theoretical support for this article in-depth study found that primary school students interested in basketball, interested in basketball class performance for low through visits and field observations, and analysis to produce the above reasons, combined with the current education reform and new curriculum implementation of the requirements put forward: a variety of teaching methods, create a good learning environment and atmosphere, the use of primary and secondary students, desire, and Emotion in the Education, Example is better than to explain in words and basketball lessons interspersed with games, activities and other strategies Jieneng improve primary school basketball class interest.

Keywords: Analysis; pupils; basketball lessons; interest in learning

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:在本人的教育实习过程中对所掌握篮球的理论应用于教学实践当中去,并且不断进行改进,本人首先将篮球的基本教学方法结合学生实际和当地场地情况进行教学,然后根据教学效果进......
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