
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-07
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摘  要:体育课堂教学是学校健康教育的重要途径,以学生身体练习为主要形式,获得健康知识、运动技能,增进心里健康水平。本研究以宣威市长征中学为研究对象,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、逻辑分析法对宣威市长征中学体育课堂引入板鞋竞速是否具有可行性进行研究分析,并制定研究计划。通过研究分析得出将板鞋竞速引入宣威市长征中学体育课堂作为教学内容可以调动学生的积极性,培养学生的团结性、整体性、协调性和团队精神,还可以增进友谊,使少数民族传统体育的娱乐性、竞技性、健身性得以充分体现,同时吸纳少数民族传统体育项目走进校园,使少数民族传统体育文化得到更好的传承和发展。本研究通过对宣威市长征中学的师资、场地等的调查分析,提出相对应的对策,使板鞋竞速在宣威市长征中学体育课堂中得到开展。



ABSTRACT:PE classroom teaching is the important way of school health education, student physical exercise as the main form, acquire health knowledge, motor skills, improve heart health.This study takes Xuanwei Changzheng middle school as the research object, using the method of literature, questionnaire, interview, logic analysis on Xuanwei Changzheng middle school sports classroom introduction of board-shoe speeder whether it is feasible to carry on the research analysis, and plan research.Through analysis the board-shoe speeder into long Xuanwei city sports classroom as teaching can arouse students' enthusiasm, cultivate students' unity, unity, coordination and team spirit, but also can enhance friendship, make the traditional ethnic minority sports entertainment, sports, fitness can be fully reflected, at the same time to absorb a few national traditional sports into the campus, make the traditional ethnic minority sports culture obtains a better inheritance and development.This study by the Xuanwei Changzheng middle school teachers, field investigation and analysis, put forward the corresponding countermeasure, make the board-shoe speeder in Xuanwei Changzheng middle school sports class to carry out.

Keywords: Xuanwei Changzheng Middle School of board-shoe speeder; workably;

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:通过与宣威市长征中学的五个体育教师和部分领导进行交谈来收集心里特征与行为的数据资料,为提出假设提供基础,也为其它资料的有效性提供参考,明确本研究的必要性......
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