
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-07
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摘  要:大学生活是人一生当中接受教育的重要时期,也是学生机体和心理趋于成熟和完善的时期。随着素质教育的全面实施,如何提高学生的综合素质,加强大学生身心健康教育,培养大学生的身心健康,培养大学生良好的思想道德素质、科学文化素质、身体素质、心理素质是新时期培养高素质人才的迫切需要。在这样的形势下,为了使大学生的身心健康得到保障,本文以XX学院太极拳协会大学生为研究对象,通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法、访谈法、观察法等研究方法,展开太极拳对大学生身心健康促进的分析与研究。结果表明:经常练习太极拳,有助于形成正确的身体姿态,培养良好的风度,从而塑造出美好的形体,将理想形体的追求化为现实;练习太极拳有助于大学生运动系统、神经系统、呼吸系统、消化系统、心血管系统及淋巴系统的改善;练习太极拳有助于排除情绪困扰、改善抑郁心境,培养刚毅顽强的意志品质,同时有利于改善人际关系,对大学生的心理健康起到很大的作用。



ABSTRACT:University life is an important period of acceptance education in all human’s life. It is also the period of body and psychology tending to be mature and complete. With the full implementation of quality education, how to improve the overall students’ quality, strengthen students’ physical and mental health and train students physical and mental health, train their good ideological and moral qualities, scientific and cultural qualities, physical and psychological qualities are becoming the urgent need for cultivating high-quality people in this new period. Under such condition, to protect the college students’ physical and mental health, this paper takes the promotion which from Taijiquan on college students’ physical and mental health as the research objects. Through literature review, interview, observation and other research methods, analyze and research the function of Taijiquan on college students' physical and mental health. The results show these following points: firstly, practice Taijiquan regularly can help students form the correct body posture and cultivate good manners so that build a better body, thus make the pursuit of the ideal body into reality. Secondly, practice Taijiquan makes contribute to improve college students’movement system, nervous system, respiratory system, digestive system, cardiovascular and lymphatic system. Thirdly, practice Taijiquan can help students relieve the psychological pressure, develop their spirit of hard work, self-confidence and perseverance, train their perseverant and positive will quality. It also can help to exclude emotional puzzles, improve depression spirit, raise resitstant will quality, at the same time, it’s good for improving in interpersonal relationship, and college students’ mental health.

Keywords: Hong he university college students; taijiquan movement; physical and mental health; promote effect

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:太极拳的创编来源主要是结合古代的导引、吐纳气功之术和中国的经络学说,吸取了明代各家拳法,运用中国古代的中医经络学说和阴阳学说,以戚继光的三十二式长拳为雏形,以及古......
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