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资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:乖乖90后 更新时间:2014-06-30
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摘要:谈到对20世纪的物理学发展有着重要影响的事物,很多人第一个想起的可能就是“诺贝尔物理学奖”。 其实有一个不为大多数人所知的会议,对于20世纪的物理学发展也起到了不可估量的作用,它就是由比利时科学家和实业家欧内斯特·索尔维于1911年创办,邀请世界著名的物理学家和化学家对前沿问题进行讨论的会议,这个会议就是索尔维会议。由于前几次索尔维会议适逢20世纪最初几十年的物理学大发展时期,与会者又都是一流的专家学者,使得索尔维会议对物理学的发展起了极其重要的推动作用,并在物理学发展史上占据了重要的地位。



Abstract:Speaking of the thing of important influence to the physics development in 20 centuries , the first remind of many people may be "Nobel physics prize". In fact there is a conference which isn't known by most people, the function of the conference to the physics development in 20 centuries also can't estimate. Ernest Solvay an industrial chemist and manufacturer who was born in Brussels  established the first Solvey Conference in 1911. And it invited the famous physicist and chemist in the world to carry on the discussions about the problem of the front. The early Solvey Conferences happened to be the period that the physics greatly developed and the people who invited were top-grade expert scholars. So the Solvay Conference had a very important push function to the development of physics, and occupied an important position in the development history of the physics.

Key words: the Solvay Conference、the development of Physics、the Quanta、the Elementary Particles、Astrophysics

上传会员 乖乖90后 对本文的描述:公众理解科学作为科普事业的新形态,在发达国家已经成了一个社会运动。运动的一个主要目标是让公众理解科学对社会的诸种影响,正面的和负面的。这样,“公众理解科学”就显示......
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