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资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:乖乖90后 更新时间:2014-06-30
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Abstract:Make the most use of multimedia can observably enhance the effect of teaching of physics in middle school. The other way round, applying multimedia out of the way maybe not only get the opposite consequence, but also add burden to students and reduce the efficiency of study. This paper aims to multimedia technology to middle school physics teaching effect, the advantages of multimedia, problems exist in the use of multimedia. Combine with Educational Psychology and give out some principle of the use of multimedia and so do some advises. Thus correct students' and teachers' attitude of treating the multimedia technology.

Keywords: Multimedia technology, Middle school physics, advantages, effective application

上传会员 乖乖90后 对本文的描述:PPT能吸引学生注意力,对学生的科学思想进行潜移默化的影响,有利于学生积极学习科学文化知识,树立正确的人生观价值观。在实验演示方面,多媒体技术更有着得天独厚的优势。通......
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