
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-15
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Digest:Through literature search and analysis, sampling, measurement, statistics, logical analysis, some primary school students in Nanjing physical health status were investigated and analyzed. The results are as follows: (1) physical health of students test results show that although most students pass or the results are good, but the great rate is not ideal, only 22.1%. (2) body shape, although the body shape of most students is in the normal range, accounting for 75% of the total number, but, in the context of overweight and obese students has more than 20%, about 22% of the total number, the results are not optimistic. (3) In physical terms, from the test results can be seen: first, the quality of the students better flexibility, mainly in the higher quality, about 48.4%, while the proportion of people fail is Small, about 2.2%, the result is more satisfactory, and should continue. Second, the quality of endurance and strength of students poor performance of most students pass and are located in the context of failed and good rate is very low, excellent endurance test rate of about 14.1% of outstanding power quality test Rate of about 13.0%, the result is not optimistic. The research activities, priority should be to intervene in these two indicators. Third, students rate the quality level is low, but the change is not obvious. To address the above problems, the authors proceed from the various proposals put forward some feasible.

Key Word:  Nanjing , primary school students, physique, health


上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:本次研究活动中,应该对这两项指标优先进行干预。第三,学生的速度素质水平偏低,但变化并不是很明显。针对上述的问题,作者从多方面出发提出了一些可行的建议。......
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