
资料分类:外语学习 上传会员:自由猫 更新时间:2014-01-23
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【Abstract】Natural conversation is the application of real language and the expression of thoughts. English class is an important place for teachers to develop students' language ability through linguistic communication . The nature of the class teaching process is the conversation. The basic unit of the conversation is turn. The students’ turns can reflect the participation of students in the class, while the participation of students in English class affects the students' language acquisition. Through the comparative study of turn features between natural conversation and primary school English class conversation,,this paper analyses the effects of these differences on students; language acquisition and proposes some suggestions so that teachers can reflect on teaching and improve teaching efficiency and as a result, they can  help students’ master the language.

【Key words】Turn ; Nature Conversation; English Class Conversation




上传会员 自由猫 对本文的描述:教师应该努力创造贴近学生真实生活的情境,开展具有实际交流意义的活动,真正将话语权交给学生,让学生在互动中理解语言输入,在互动中进行语言输出,最终使其习得语言。......
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