
资料分类:外语学习 上传会员:随心所欲 更新时间:2014-03-18
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关键词:非语言交际; 非语言行为; 文化差异; 跨文化交际


Abstract:Human communication contains two types: verbal communication and nonverbal communication, among which, the nonverbal communication is a significant integrant and plays an important role in the process of communication. Compared with the abundant and colorful audio verbal behaviors, nonverbal behaviors are really kind of silent language, noiseless but infectious. The proper use of various nonverbal communication means can impel human to communicate more effectively; and help information to transmit and circulate more efficiently. Meanwhile, different nonverbal behaviors have different cultural meanings. People from different culture backgrounds may come across various difficulties in their communication, which may result in communicative failures. With the further development and popularization of economic globalization and cross-cultural communication, people need to realize the signality of understanding the exact meanings of all sorts of nonverval communication forms to the two parties in communication.  

   This thesis emphatically starts from some basic nonverbal behaviors; and goes through the researches and discussions of nonverbal behaviors’ differences in meanings and feelings of speakers in cross-cultural communication. All these will roll into one thing, that is the interactive and interdependent relationship between nonverbal behavior and culture. The purpose of this thesis is to call for people to pay more attention to nonverbal behaviors, and to try to avoid the misunderstandings and conflicts which are caused by false nonverbal messages, so as to improve people’s cross-cultural communication skills.

Key words: Nonverbal communication;Nonverbal behaviors;Cultural diversity;Cross-cultural communication

上传会员 随心所欲 对本文的描述:非语言行为具有一定的共性,语言不通、地域不同、文化相异的人们可以通过非语言行为进行一定程度上的有效交流。然而,非语言行为也并非一成不变的,同样的的一种非语言行为却......
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