
资料分类:外语学习 上传会员:随心所欲 更新时间:2014-03-18
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关键词:互联网; 网络英语新闻; 表达特点


Abstract:Network English news uses the internet as the vector, it was called the “forth media”. People can read all kinds of news from the internet freely. As the increasing popularity of the internet, more and more people use the internet to get the latest news about finance, government and daily life. Network English news let people from different countries and different regions know the world’s changes and big events. English news has great influence on people’s life. We are in the era of information, and English is the language widely used all over the world. Network English news has made increasingly influence on people's life. We will focus on Network English news’ language, structure, functions, and expressions to find out its identical features. The understanding of the features of Network English news can also benefit your English news reading. Because of its identical features, we should also learn some useful reading skills for network news.

Key words: internet;network English news;features

上传会员 随心所欲 对本文的描述:一般来说,各种新闻媒体、网站一般都会把当天需要报道的新闻进行分类,并且会在网站上出现各类新闻的标题,读者如果想详细了解某一新闻事件,只要点击该标题就能进入相关的新......
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