
资料分类:外语学习 上传会员:小6 更新时间:2013-06-18
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关键词: 广东文化名人;秦牧; 翻译方法; 翻译体会



   China is a cultural ancient country with about five-thousand-year history. In this history, Guangdong people have created the splendid culture for the whole country. It is those cultural celebrities who stand in the lead of the culture that explore and find ways to carry the culture forward. In this article, the writer focuses on the study of Chinese-English translation on Qin Mu, a famous writer and essayist in Guangdong, and mainly talked about his experience and cultural contributions. Qin Mu has contributed a lot of excellent works to the contemporary literary circle in his life time, however, he became less well-known among the young generation and fewer and fewer people study his outstanding works. By this article, on one hand, the writer can attract more people to know more about the achievements and essence of Guangdong culture as well as this famous essayist and enlighten people to learn the valuable spiritual wealth that he has given us. On the other hand, the writer can further learn more translation strategies, skills, and diction to improve her writing and translating abilities. At the same time, she can share her experience of translation with others.   

Key words: Guangdong celebrity, Qin Mu, translation skills, experience


上传会员 小6 对本文的描述:通过探索,一方面笔者可以让更多的人都来深入的了解广东文化的成就与精髓,领略这位昔日散文家的风采,启发人们去学习他留给年轻一代的宝贵的精神财富。另一方面,通过对译文......
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