
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:大耳朵 更新时间:2013-12-15
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关键词: 中层生;自我意识;教师期望


abstract: "The new curriculum standards provide clear requirements: we pay attention to every student, the students should be treated equally. We often only attach importance to and concerned about a handful of people, is a large group of middle-level students we give too little attention and attention, this paper mainly to observe and interview a few typical middle-level students, trying to briefly understand them. Between the middle-level students and honors, poor students, the teachers in the treatment of middle-level students and they are different. There are differences between middle-level students, so teachers must be respected in the treatment of their personality, and given the attention and concern and attention to develop their potential, making the gradual growth of middle-level students do not lose the honors students , even if the results are not among the best, but in some ways outstanding results, so that the middle-level students is also a development and growth. They will be more confident!

Key words: Middle-level students; self-awareness;teachers' expectations




上传会员 大耳朵 对本文的描述:本文主要观察和访谈了少数几个比较典型的中层生,试图以此来简略的了解他们。中层生和优等生、差生之间,老师在对待他们及中层生之间都是不同的。由于中层生之间存在着差异性......
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