
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:没有人懂我 更新时间:2014-01-03
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【关键词】 阅读对话;倾听;言说


【Abstract】: This thesis first expounds the definition and significances of listening and speaking in Chinese reading teaching, and then will represent the problems existing in dialogue during this teaching. Less reading, more communication and lower speed reading cultivation are the main problems during listening, while regarding listening as speaking, and treating expanding as listening are the problems in speaking. Afterwards, this thesis will talk about reading and listening strategies: extensive reading is the foundation, intensive reading is the point and teaching reading method is the goal. Speaking tactics: guiding students to discuss their feeling in context, leading them to talk about their perspectives about the text where is easy to arouse controversy, making students express themselves, using the four vacant points of omit, concealing, defamiliarization, metaphorization, etc. in the text.   

【Key words】: reading communication; listening; reading



上传会员 没有人懂我 对本文的描述:论述了在阅读教学中,阅读对话的策略,指导“倾听”的策略:朗读是基础,研读是关键,教阅读方法是目标;指导“言说”的策略:指导学生进入课文情境谈感受,指导学生抓住课文......
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