
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-03
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摘要:“反学校文化”作为亚文化的一种特殊形式,是与学校主流文化相对立的一种文化。社会转型期价值观念的混乱、 流行文化对校园文化的冲击和网络文化对学校文化的影响等是“反学校文化”产生的原因。儿童正处于懵懂时期,对正确价值观的判断能力很弱,自我约束能力也很差。我们应从加大监管力度、从改变学校制度单一化和建立良好的师生关系等方面入手来应对此类现象。本文尝试运用个案研究的方法,忠实地记录被访谈者的想法,通过对重要事件的描述,真实地展现儿童“反学校文化”的行为。

关键词: 儿童; 反学校文化; 成因; 应对策略


Abstract:“the counter-school culture” takes the subculture one special form, is one culture which opposes with the school mainstream culture. The social transition period value idea's confusion, the pop culture to the campus culture's impact and the network culture to the school culture's influence and so on are the reasons which “the counter-school culture” produces. The child is being in the ignorant time, is very weak to the correct values' judgment ability, self-restraint ability is also very bad. We should from increase the supervision dynamics, from to change school aspects and so on system simplification and establishment good teachers and students relations obtain to this kind of phenomenon. This article attempts the utilization case study the method, records faithfully by the interview idea, through to milestone's description, unfolds the child really “the counter-school culture” the behavior.

Key words:Child; Counter-school culture; Origin; Dealing with strategy




上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:通过观察小学学生的学习生活以及课间活动来发现儿童所表现出来的“反学校文化“的行为,探索成因并验证笔者先前提出的假设,最后从实践的层面为引导儿童树立正确的价值观念探......
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