
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-08
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[摘 要] 本研究主要针对小学生的家庭结构和攻击行为进行研究,抽取南京市某小学四年级和五年级学生进行问卷调查,用SPSS18.0对数据进行处理。得出结论:1.小学生家庭结构类型较多,其中以父母加子女的核心家庭、父母子女和老人的主干家庭所占比例最大;2.小学生攻击行为存在性别差异,男生主动性、反应性攻击行为产生的机率高于女生;3.家庭结构的完整与否,影响了家庭环境,核心家庭和主干家庭的和睦性、亲密性、沟通性、文化性、修养性和民主性皆高于单亲家庭和“留守”家庭;4.家庭环境对攻击行为的形成产生影响;5.不同家庭结构的小学生攻击行为的差异是显著的。

[关键词] 小学生;家庭结构;家庭环境;攻击行为


[Abstract] This article focuses on the family structure and aggressive behavior of primary students. It bases on the questionnaire surveys for students of grade four and five in a certain primary school in Nanjing city, coding with SPSS18.0. The results suggest that: 1.The family structure of primary students assume many types with two largest portion of “Nuclear Family” constituted by parents and children and “Stem Family” constituted by parents, grandparents and children; 2.There are gender differences between boys and girls on aggressive behavior. The probability of initiative, reactive aggressive behaviors is higher performed on boys than girls; 3.Whether the family is complete or not affects the family environment. The types of “Nuclear Family” and “Stem Family” receive high possibilities than “Single parent family” and families with parents out and children left on harmony, intimacy, interaction, culture, accomplishment and democracy; 4.The family environment have the influence on the aggressive behavior of primary students; 5.Aggressive behavior of the primary students on family structure are significant different, initiative, reactive aggressive behaviors are related with family structure.

[Key words]: primary student; family structure; family environment;aggressive behavior

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:家庭因素是影响儿童攻击行为产生的一个重要部分。已有研究表明,家庭教养方式、亲子关系与攻击行为的产生有相关性。那么家庭结构是否对儿童攻击行为的产生影响?如今社会文化......
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