
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-09
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摘  要:自我意识是个人人格结构以及个性的重要组成部分,是个体自己对自己的认识和态度,指主体对其自身的意识。是个体实现社会化、完善人格特征的重要保证,良好的自我意识有利于小学生健康的成长,有利于小学生适应生活和调节自身心理健康。然而,小学生在自我意识发展的过程中,会出现不能客观的评价和调控自我,甚至造成自我调控行为障碍。因此,针对小学生自我意识发展常见的偏差及其产生的原因的研究,引导小学生更关注自己的内心世界,并试图引导他们正确的自我认识、自我评价和自我调控。论文试图从自我意识的涵义以及结构、小学生良好自我意识的重要性,小学生自我意识发展常见偏差的表现以及影响因素和应对策略给予一些建议,以期有利于小学生形成良好的自我意识。

关键词: 小学生;自我意识;偏差;影响因素;策略


ABSTRACT:Self-awareness is an important part of the personality structure and personality, are individual in their own understanding and attitude refers to the subject awareness of their own . Is the individual socialization, the important guarantee of perfect personality, good sense of self is helpful for health of elementary school students grow up, in the primary school students to adapt to the life and adjusting their mental health has important significance. However, primary school students in the process of self development, self cannot be objective evaluation and regulation, even cause self-regulation behavior disorders. So, for primary school students self-consciousness development common cause of deviation and its research, guide the students pay more attention to their own inner world, and try to guide their correct self-awareness, self evaluation and self control. Paper attempts to from the meaning of self consciousness and structure, primary school students the importance of good self consciousness, pupil performance and influence factors of self-consciousness development common deviation and coping strategies to give some advice, so as to help students form good self consciousness.

Key words: primary school students; Self-awareness; Deviation; Influencing factors; strategy

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:就小学生而言,有了良好的自我意识,可以让自己认识到自己在想些什么,认识到自己的思想、愿望、情感是怎么样的,认识到自己在做什么,以及这样做的结果会怎么样,从而调节自......
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