
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:孜孜不倦 更新时间:2013-06-26
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  In the new curriculum reform under the guidance of the concept, how to create independent, cooperation of space is very important,” mathematics curriculum standards” also pointed out: effective mathematics learning activities cannot simply rely on imitation and memory, it is important way that hands-on practice, own exploration and cooperative learning .In international education reform constructivism theory as a mainstream theory, it in students view, teaching view and so on have their own unique insights, its theory not only for our implementation of quality education, construct the new teaching mode of mathematics has important guiding significance, but for lifelong learning the spirit of innovation has also very important theory meaning and practice value. Based on the constructivism teaching thought elaboration, and in light of the new course reform to the current mathematics teaching requirements regarding how these thinking in math teaching in primary school has made the analysis, proposed based on the theory of Constructivism to the primary school mathematics teaching strategy and the problem that should be paid attention to, let the students learn to construction experience, knowledge independently, the cultivation of students' autonomous learning ability, to mobilize the enthusiasm of students, and to give teachers play to the leading role fully, achieve the best teaching results provide help and reference.

Key words: constructivism; Elementary math; strategy


上传会员 孜孜不倦 对本文的描述:本文通过对建构主义主要教学思想的阐述,并结合新课改对当今数学教学的要求就如何将这些思想运用在小学数学教学中作了分析,提出基于建构主义理论的小学数学教学的策略,让学......
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