
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:孜孜不倦 更新时间:2013-06-26
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   Chinese is the most important communication tool and also an important part of human culture. It is the unity of the tool and Humanities, and the basic features of the language courses. The language of instruction is the main carrier of the teaching content and language skills of the teachers’ have a direct impact on the effectiveness of education and teaching. In this thesis, the Chinese teaching language is the main object of study---analyzing the problems of teaching language. To the problems existed in the guide lessons, it brings a lot of negative effects to the primary students on the ability of expression and it due to the teachers’ shortages of vivid and science. For above problems, I am trying to through well-designed guide lesson links to stimulate students’ interest, harmonious relationship between teachers and students, improve teacher quality and other measures to change the negative impact from the perspective of teachers.

Key words:  Teachers’ class language ; Verbal exposition ; Influence


上传会员 孜孜不倦 对本文的描述:针对导课环节中教师课堂语言存在缺少生动、形象、科学性的问题,对小学生的言语表达产生了负面影响,笔者尝试着从教师的角度出发,通过精心设计导课环节、激发学生的兴趣、融......
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