
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-09-01
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关键词:邦巴小学 ;傣汉双语教学 ;存在方式


Abstract:Dai Language and Chinese bilingual teaching model by using Dai language and Chinese in teaching process. In Ying Jiang county, it is an incomplete form in the first grade of primary school, while in the third grade, it just a transitional form. With the level of Chinese students in the fifth grade it completely does not exist. Investigating the causes of the existence in all grades, it is including students’ reasons, also the school and teacher's reason, the social and the publics’ reason. Developing Dai Language and Chinese bilingual teaching meet the transmission of civilization needs, the real life needs, also the unity of the nationalities needs.

Key words: Bangba primary School;Dai Language and Chinese bilingual  teaching ;  Existense




上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:傣汉双语教学在邦巴小学的一年级作为一种不完整的教学形式完全存在。但在三年级,虽然学生的语言能力有所提高,但有的学生在教学内容的表达、理解等方面存在较多的问题,语言......
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