
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-25
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Abstract:Emma may not be the most popular one of all Jane Austen’s novels, but undoubtedly it’s the most mature one in style and the most complete one in structure. In this novel, the author’s understandings of reality, reflections of life and the use of writing techniques are more profound and skilled than the earlier ones. Emma fully reflects Jane Austen’s ability to master language and shape the characters, and the skills of literary exploration. Her true and accurate portrayal of human nature, keen observation of British Regency society, as well as superb mastery of the art techniques still make us gasp in admiration.

   Jane Austen has successfully created a series of female characters, who have their own characteristics, and each one in the novel occupies a different location and has a different role. Emma, the heroine, is the most prominent character, and is also the representative one among all of Austen’s characters. Emma describes how the heroine walks one error out to moral perfection and the process of emotional maturation.

   The main research point of this thesis is the analysis of Emma’s view of values and the social causes. This thesis is divided into four parts. The first part is the synopsis for the novel and the brief introduction of Emma’s characteristics. The second part describes Emma's various values ​​such as wealth, friendship and love, and uses concrete examples to demonstrate them. The formation of such values ​​must have various causes, so in the third part of this thesis three social causes are analyzed, and I also combine these causes with the economic background at that time. Lastly, this thesis briefly narrates the reference significance of Emma to the development of modern women. What’s more, I also put forward my general ideas and thoughts on feminism and the growth of modern women.

Keyword: Emma, Feminism, Views of value, Views of marriage, Social Causes







上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:The main research point of this thesis is the analysis of Emma’s view of values and the social causes. This thesis is divided into four parts. The first part is the synopsis for the novel and the brief introduction of Emma’s characterist......
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