
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小妖 更新时间:2018-02-24
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Abstract:Mark Twin was a famous writer and speech-maker. The book Hard Years talked about the hardships of life and the efforts of opus with the Chinese who lived in American and the book has a great influence on Chinese people in the paper. The Chinese become weakness and indecision because of life’s environment. However, after reading Hard Years, efforts should be made to change the situation and create their times. Secondly, China has the same time with Mark Twin. That is, the late Qing dynasty. And at that time, it has a poor reputation and people do not have much to depend on for their living. Therefore, they were enlightened after Chinese people reading the book of Mark Twain and combining the situation---as long as the people in china against with unhealthy tendency by means of your wills and spirits, treating earnestly their weakness and correct it the country will get stronger.


Key words: Mark Twain’s; Hard Years; Influence





1. Introduction-1

2.The Introduction of Mark Twain’s Life-1

3.The Comparison of Mark Twain's Era and the Era in Old China-.2

3.1The Situation of Domestic China-2

3.2 The Situation of  Overseas-3

4. The Influence of His Work Hard Years on China-6

4.1The Influence of Hard Yeas on  Chinese American.-6

4.2 The Influence of Hard Years  on Chinese in the Same Period-8

5. Conclusion-9



上传会员 小妖 对本文的描述:他的作品《艰苦岁月》中提到了在美华人生活的艰辛和工作的辛苦。马克吐温的这本书给当时的在美华人和同样处于那个年代的中国人带来了深厚的影响:首先从旧中国的社会背景入手......
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