
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-11
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ABSTRACT:CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) is a new teaching approach to Chinese teacher. It considers that communicative competence should be the fundamental purpose of language teaching and that listening, speaking, reading and writing must serve for communicative competence. This teaching approach is used to improve Chinese non-English major’s speaking ability. The use of CLT can have a significant contribution to improve the ability of English communication of non-English major students. So we should make good use of the CLT to improve the quality of teaching and to enable student to have better communication. This article analyzes how to apply CLT to teaching both inside and outside the classroom. It points out the roles of teachers, students and teaching materials respectively and some recommendations are given after the analysis. Hopefully it can bring some new light for the understanding of CLT.  

Key words: CLT;non-English majors;communicative competence





CLT focuses on teaching students the ability to make comprehensive use of language and considers the communicative ability as the ultimate goal of teaching. With the development of modern information technology, CLT has been applied to foreign language teaching in China. CLT continues to play an effective and active role. CLT appeals to those who seek a more humanistic approach to teaching, one in which the interactive processes of communication receives priority. But CLT is rather a new approach in China. The disadvantages and problems mentioned above don’t mean that CLT is not effective. In fact, the effectiveness of CLT is affected by some variables, such as learners’ learning style, environmental and cultural factors, actual conditions of different countries, and so on. Even if  two students acquire the same amount of comprehensible input, it doesn’t mean that they can produce the same amount of language output. In this sense, examining the effectiveness of CLT is a tough job. In addition, it is a big challenge for us to set the criteria for testing students’ communicative competence and skills. However, CLT offers a choice for teachers to think about their teaching, though there is a long way to go before they can effectively adopt such a teaching approach.


上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:This article analyzes how to apply CLT to teaching both inside and outside the classroom. It points out the roles of teachers, students and teaching materials respectively and some recommendations are given after the analysis. Hopefully it c......
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