
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小妖 更新时间:2018-02-24
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Abstract:Proverb which is the epitomes of the language and the culture are derived from life. And it is a kind of folk adage. Proverb is a kind of folk adage, which is spread among the people and a concise linguistic. It named “the flower of linguistic”. Proverb is a crystal of wisdom and people’s experience, which is involved the color racial cultures. It conveys a vivid image which consisted of different cultures. Studying proverb is a good way to learn the culture differences between Chinese and western. Many famous people think that national culture; wisdom and spirit could be found in proverbs. With the development of culture and economic, the more communication with foreign people and we need more to use English and proverbs. And through the differences of proverbs, could increase efficiency of Intercultural Communication. The author analyzes the common point between different culture of the proverbs from many aspects, such as, the original of proverb; history and culture. Studying proverbs is a important way to know what the meaning of proverbs and how to use them. Then this paper also analyzes some translation methods, such as, Literal Translation; Free Translation; Literal-Free Translation; Interpreting Translation and Equivalence Translation. And the author analyzed that how to choose the best method. The right method could better to show the meaning of proverbs and transmit the essence and belief. At last, Studying the similarities and differences between Chinese and western proverb could enrich our knowledge, broaden our horizons and enhance our sensitivity about the cultural differences and develop the understanding of different culture.


Key words:proverb; Chinese and English culture; translation






2.Features of English and Chinese Proverbs-2

2.1 History and Religion-2

2.2 Manners and Customs-5

2.3 Culture-7

2.4 Ways of Thinking-9

3. Several Methods of Proverbs Translation-10

3.1 Literal Translation-10

3.2 Free Translation-11

3.3 Literal-Free Translation-12

3.4 Interpreting Translation-12

3.5 Equivalence Translation-13

4. Conclusion-14



上传会员 小妖 对本文的描述:并分析几种常见的翻译手法,如直译、意译、直意兼顾、对应法等。在不同的情况下运用最合适的翻译方法,使译文达意传神,运用适合的翻译方法才能准确、完整地传递给译文读者其......
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