
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:N号老师 更新时间:2020-10-21
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中文摘要:英语教学的目的是要让学生掌握语言技能,运用语言进行交际。结对活动是交际理论兴起及推广的一种结果。结对活动作为对班级授课制的一种突破和补充,目前被广泛应用于小学英语课堂教学中。在结对活动中学生们合作完成学习任务,解决学习问题;在解决问题的同时,又获得了练习英语的机会。研究表明结对活动有诸多优势, 然而结对活动在课堂中的成功应用却并非易事,这是因为结对活动依赖于课堂环境中的各种因素。




Abstract:The purpose of primary school English teaching is to make students master language skills and enable students to communicate with each other in English. Pair work is a result of the rise and promotion of communicative theory. As a breakthrough and complement of primary English class teaching system, pair work is widely used in primary school English teaching. In pair work, students jointly finish learning tasks in order to solve the learning problems. At the same time of solving problems, students also get the chances to study English. Researches show that there are lots of advantages of pair work, however it is not easy to be successful in class, because pair work depends on various factors of classroom environment.

This paper will multiply analyze pair work of primary school English teaching. First of all, it theoretically analyzes important factors of influencing pair work so as to study cooperative learning from different views. By carrying out the measures of classroom observation, I can get classroom phenomena. On the basis of studying these phenomena, there are some problems of pair work in primary school English teaching. Finally, according to the related issues in this article, this paper will propose solutions so as to promote pair work to develop smoothly in primary school English teaching.


Key words: Primary schoolEnglishPair work





Chapter One Background of pair work .1

1.1The history of pair work .1

1.2Domestic and overseas pair work research status .1

Chapter Two Brief introduction of pair work .3

2.1The features of pair work3

2.2Exact steps of pair work .4

2.2.1Distinguishing groups 4

2.2.2Making tasks clear 4

2.3 The modes of pair work 5

2.3.1Cooperative discovery and creation in pair 5

2.3.2Cooperative discussion in pair .5

2.3.3Cooperative learning in pair 5

2.3.4 The cooperative mutual test in pair .6

2.3.5Cooperative aid for poor students in pair 6

2.4The significance and effect of pair work .6

Chapter Three Significance and value of this topic8

3.1Theoretical significance 8

3.2 Application value 8

Chapter Four Problems and solutions when performing pair work 9

Chapter Five Conclusion of this topic .12

References .13

上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:小组活动是合作学习理论用于课堂教学的学习活动方式,强调教学以满足学生的需要为依据,主张学生更主动、充分地学习,强调学生之间互相促进、共同提高。本课题就是通过从小组活动......
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