
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:N号老师 更新时间:2020-10-21
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关键词: 词汇     小学英语     教学方法


Abstract:Vocabulary is the smallest meaningful unit in a language, on which human thinking activities and the exchange of ideas are first of all relied. The mastery and application of any foreign language, whether it’s written or oral, can not be separated from the vocabulary in terms of both writing and translation.

At this stage, many scholars, teachers and linguists have focused on vocabulary teaching. Nowadays, in primary school English classroom, there are still some problems in vocabulary learning. How to use effective methods to improve the efficiency of vocabulary learning in primary school is what requires our analysis and discussion.

The research on this topic can better deepen the understanding of the multiple methods concerning pupils’ vocabulary learning, promote students’ development with its advantages, enhance students’ ability of comprehensive language application, and provide help for the primary school English classroom in order to further improve the classroom efficiency.

Key Words: vocabulary     primary school English      teaching methods





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 The definition of vocabulary and English vocabulary teaching in primary schools-1

1.2 The importance and research purposes of vocabulary learning-2

Chapter Two Literature review-5

2.1 The current situation of English vocabulary teaching in primary school-5

2.2 The current situation of English vocabulary learning in primary school-5

Chapter Three The application of vocabulary teaching methods in primary school-8

3.1 Reading and writing method-8

3.2 Picture teaching method-8

3.3 Storytelling teaching method-9

Chapter Four Improvement strategies of vocabulary teaching methods-12

4.1 Strengthening the teaching of language skills-12

4.2 Organizing teaching activities reasonably-13

4.3 Effective use of teaching strategies-14

Chapter Five Conclusion-16

5.1 Main findings-16

5.2 Pedagogical implications-16

5.2.1 Interest is the best teacher-16

5.2.2 Learn in order to practise-17

5.2.3 Developing task-based teaching-17

5.2.4 Closely linking with life-17


上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:本文从多种方面阐述了词汇教学法在小学英语课堂中的运用。而非只是泛泛而谈,并充分结合现状给出词汇教学法在运用中应当注意和改进的地方,改变创新词汇教学模式,提高小学生......
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