
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-07
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Abstract:As an important part of fuzzy language, hedges were first put forward by George Lakoff in 1972. Along with the development of fuzzy linguists, there has been an increasing interest in hedges; a growing interest among hedges has emerged to explore the field of lexicology, pragmatics, discourses analysis translation and second acquisition, and other fields. The Pragmatic Function of Hedges in News has also been one of the research interests in the studies of hedges. However, the study on this aspect of hedges is very limited. 

   News language is different from general texts, it needs to express briefly and accurately. However, on some special occasions, the application of hedges can play a vital role in news language. This dissertation aims to conduct a study on the application of hedges in English news and its pragmatic functions, in the hope to help readers know better about English news and the necessity of hedges in news language. The first part of this paper is an introduction, giving a brief introduction to the writing background and purpose. Then, the author introduces about the definition and classification of hedges as well as the theoretical basis of this paper: cooperative principle; politeness principle as well as face theory. Then, the author discusses on the language features of English news. Next, the author focuses on the application of hedges in English news as well as its pragmatic functions. The last part is a conclusion, in which the whole paper will be summarized. 

Key words:English news; Hedges; Pragmatic function


摘要:模糊限制语作为模糊语言重要的一部分,由George Lakoff 于1972年首次提出。随着模糊语言学的发展,模糊限制语得到越来越多的关注,对模糊限制的探索延伸到词汇学、语用学、语篇翻译分析、二语习得等领域。模糊限制语在新闻中的语用功能已成为研究对象之一,然而,有关模糊限制语在这方面的研究非常有限。


关键词: 英语新闻;模糊限制语;语用功能


上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:Then, the author discusses on the language features of English news. Next, the author focuses on the application of hedges in English news as well as its pragmatic functions. The last part is a conclusion, in which the whole paper will be su......
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