
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:离不开你 更新时间:2014-01-25
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ABSTRACT:The tough guy image refers to a series of character images created by Hemingway. They all had persevering and unyielding personality. Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea had perfect tough personalities and became the unique representative of tough guys. This thesis is aimed at making a deeper study of the inner spirits of Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea and to show his the tough guy image through analysis of the characteristics that Santiago represented in the novel. By discussing the detailed descriptions during the process of fishing, Santiago’s appearance, his mental activities, and the comparison between Santiago and other fishermen, a final conclusion can be reached that the tough guy image not only includes determination and willpower, but also includes a sense of destiny, loyalty to faith, and a special kind of love. 

Keywords: The Old Man and the Sea  Tough Guy Image  Santiago



关键词:老人与海  硬汉精神  桑迪亚哥

上传会员 离不开你 对本文的描述:The tough guy image refers to a series of character images created by Hemingway. They all had persevering and unyielding personality. Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea had perfect tough personalities and became the unique representative of......
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